2025 Billy Buzzee "St. Pat on the Back" Award

Congratulations to our Billy Buzzee St. Pat on the Back award winners the Colleen Committee!

The Sons of Erin Colleen Committee takes on the responsibility of organizing, planning and facilitating the annual selection process to crown one young female of Irish descent to represent the Sons of Erin and the City of Westfield as their Colleen along with four other young ladies who comprise the Colleen Court.  Although these choices occur at the Colleen Ball in February, the committee works throughout the entire year leading up to the ball by holding various fundraisers to offset the associated costs.  These events include a Night at the Races, the Colleen Golf Tournament and the Tailgate party, finally culminating in the Colleen Ball which then signals the start of the "Green Season" with numerous chaperoned public events leading up to St. Patrick's Day and the Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Parade.  The Colleen Committee members include Helen Tymeson (Chair), Beth Burns, Kara Herman, Rosemarie Hodgdon, Anne Killam, Tracy Oleksak, Karen Regan and Kerri Tymeson.