2023 Sons of Erin Scholarship Recipients - Thanks to all who donated!
Sons of Erin Scholarship
Grace Kuhn , Jillian Stopa
Andrew Bilodeau, Bailey Tymeson
Sons of Erin Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
Kaylie Phillips, Andrew Pitoniak
Wendy Burke Memorial Scholarship
Kelly Burns
Edward Ferriter Memorial Scholarship
Colin Boyle
George Heath Memorial Scholarship
William Flaherty
Richard Hills Memorial Scholarship
Nyah Bordeau
Patrick & Eileen Hurley Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Pitoniak
Donna Liptak Memorial Scholarship
Emma Brumley
Susan Mulvenna Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Rood
Norma and Tom McElligott Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Pitoniak
James Michael O’Connor Memorial Scholarship
Maura Wurster
James Romani Memorial Scholarship
Caden Matuszczak
Francis X. and Mary M. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship
Alec Cangemi